Welcome to my blog. This blog is for my paintings I have recently airbrushed. I will also put regular posts relating to the updates of new paintings. I mainly created this blog for feedback on my paintings however I just would like to show and share them with you all. Thank you ^^.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Rock Chic

Hardest painting ever. Done on metal; from now on all my paintings will be on metal. ^^


  1. Wow, this looks gorgeous, definitely worth your extra effort!

  2. Definitely worth the effort, how was it using metal sounds intriguing.

  3. Wow, you seriously have talent. This is definitely a blog worth following. :3

  4. Awesome painting, did you do art as a qualification?

  5. Wow. Not gonna lie, this is really sweet!

  6. Thank you for the comments :D Questions answered below:

    jmacabraod - Easier than using cardboard since cardboard seems to soak up the paint. Although with metal you have to use a lot more heat to make it dry before you can continue the next bit especially when you make mistakes.

    John Clipper - I didn't no this is my forth ever painting actually; had a few pointes from my dad beleive it or not. However Uni is in the way of my paintings at the moment so I have my fith on hold until Tuesday. :)

  7. Wow you painted that? That is amazing!


  8. nicely done! do you take pictures with the flash on?
