Welcome to my blog. This blog is for my paintings I have recently airbrushed. I will also put regular posts relating to the updates of new paintings. I mainly created this blog for feedback on my paintings however I just would like to show and share them with you all. Thank you ^^.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Currently waiting for Tuesday 29th of March before I can finish my 5th painting, as University coursework seems to be ruining this little hobby of mine..


  1. Me too! Can't wait. Check out my new blog, puzzledyet.blogspot.com, if you haven't yet!

  2. What style will it be? Can't wait!

  3. Good luck! I'm waiting for my cwk to be marked too! which uni are you at?

  4. I want to see it as well
    Glad I still have this blog on my morning coffee. Please check out mine?

  5. Still waiting for primer and black paint to come through the post. Pulling an all nighter so I don't miss the postman...

  6. do you only paint for emo style?
